Brendan Fraser Says He Would Absolutely Return for a MUMMY Sequel or Reboot

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Brendan Fraser has brought us some great roles over the years, but one of his most popular was of Rick O’Connell in the movie franchise The Mummy. The last of the three films in the trilogy was the 2008 movie, The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor. While recently attending Fan Expo Canada, Fraser was asked by a fan in the audience if there were any Mummy movies on the horizon. Fraser responded by saying:

“For me? Do you want one?”

The panel hall then erupted with cheers, and Fraser said:

“Did you hear that, Universal?”

The fan then said that Universal failed to reboot the franchise, and Fraser played dumb and said:

“Oh, they did?”

He was then asked if he would sign on if he was asked to participate in a new Mummy reboot. He responded with a resounding:


Fraser then added:

“Just gotta say, I know how hard it is to make that movie. I tried to do it three times, and the essential ingredient is fun. You gotta remember to have fun. So if there’s a fun way to approach it again, I’m all in.”

That’s awesome! I love Brendan Fraser, and I’d love to see him in a new Mummy movie. How about you?

via: CB