This Video Game Console Field Guide Provides Info and Over 900 Pieces of Classic Gaming Hardware

Are you a fan of classic video games? Well, there’s a book that you’ve gotta check out titled The Video Game Console Collector’s Field Guide as it’s a 320-page compendium that offers fans a visual guide to more than 900 pieces of unique pieces of gaming hardware from 1972 – present, an index of information on systems, and a checklist where you can keep track of your collection.

When I was growing up, most of my gaming came from the arcade. My first console was given to us by a family friend, it was an Atari 2600 with a bunch of games. The Sega Genisis was the next console we got and from that moment on we were Sega loyalists. We got the Sega 32x, and the Sega CD. I didn’t own an original NES when I was a kid, I just went to my friend’s house to play it and he came over to ours to play Sega. However, I did get a Gameboy! Then Playstation and Xbox came along and the world of gaming changed forever.

What was the first video game console you ever owned? What was your favorite when you were a kid?

The following image come from the book’s Kickstarter page.





