Marvel’s Kevin Feige is Reportedly “Plotting an Endgame” That Will Wrap Up Spider-Man’s Story in the MCU

Last week fans got the exciting news that Marvel Studios and Sony Pictures would be teaming back up to play with Tom Holland’s Spider-Man in a third Solo film and one other MCU movie.

Kevin Feige will be leading the charge on this and how Spider-Man will be handled. At the time of the announcement, I assumed that these next two films would be used to close out Peter Parker’s story arc in the MCU. Well, according to THR, that might actually be the case. They report:

“Though both sides are hinting the pact could be extended again. Feige seems to be plotting an endgame that will wrap up Peter Parker’s story in the MCU and could see the character cross over into Sony’s own budding universe of characters.”

We all know the deal between Sony and Marvel won’t last forever, but at least there’s more time for Marvel to properly bring Spider-Man’s story arc in the MCU to an end. It’ll be interesting to see how Marvel accomplishes this in a way that will give the character a seamless transition to Sony’s Spider-Verse where he will continue his adventures.

How would you like to see that handled?