Intense Trailer for the Revenge Thriller THE G

Here’s a trailer for an upcoming revenge thriller titled The G, which centers on a mysterious older woman out for revenge on the corrupt legal guardian who destroyed her life.

In the film, “Ann Hunter aka ‘The G’ and her husband already retired to an unnamed American suburb 10 years ago to be near his family. But one day out of the blue they are snatched from their home by a corrupt legal guardian who believes they have hidden wealth.

“Their home and assets are legally stripped from them and they are put in a prison-like ‘eldercare facility,’ victims of an exploding old age industry.

“Trapped in a corrupt and terrifying system, The G begins to show her true mettle as she and her loyal granddaughter fight to get them out… and get revenge on the people who did this.”

The movie is described as a “winter-noir” based on real events / inspired by the filmmaker’s own family. It’s an “atmospheric blend of suspense, dark humour, moving human relationships that confronts age-related issues head on, The G is driven by one astonishing main character, rivetingly portrayed by Dale Dickey.

The G is written and directed by Karl R. Hearne, and it stars Romane Denis, Roc Lafortune, Bruce Ramsay, Jonathan Koensgen.

Lightbulb Film will release The G in UK and Irish cinemas on June 21st, 2024.