Help Your Players Build Your D&D World With You Using 101 STORY QUESTIONS FOR WORLDBUILDING

One of the best aspects of Dungeons & Dragons (or any tabletop roleplaying game really) is the ability to create a world with your friends. Something that I have been trying to improve upon as a DM myself is involving my players in the building of the world instead of making every decision. The trick is that it can be hard to figure out how to get your players to contribute to world building. Enter Matthew Koentjoro with his 101 Story Questions for Worldbuilding. This unofficial supplement helps provide you with prompts to ask your players and let them build the world with you. This is definitely something I’m looking at adding to my DM Toolbox.

Working with your table to create the world you all play in can lead to more significant player investment and emersion in your Dungeons & Dragons game! With 101 Story Questions for Worldbuilding, you will have a rolling table that can provide instant topics for inspiring discussion.

Delve into character backgrounds, location history and geography, and local legends and commerce topics.

Team up with your players to create details for the game world while keeping out-of-game discussion enthusiastic and exciting!

You can purchase 101 Story Questions for Worldbuilding from DMs Guild (affiliate link) for $2.97.