Become a Mutantimal in the New TTRPG from Fat Goblin Games TEENAGE MUTANT DIRTBAGS

Fat Goblin Games recently released a new tabletop RPG for people to enjoy called Teenage Mutant Dirtbags: A Roleplaying Game. His game sees the players take on the roles of Mutantimal and save the world even if that’s not exactly what they wanted to do. This game just sounds like fun based on the cover art and synopsis provided.

You are a Mutantimal, but no one actually uses that stupid name. You are a teenage mutant humanoid animal raised by zealots, trained as warriors, and taught that only you can stop whatever weird crap the world might be stewing up. Humans basically screw-up everything and either can’t be trusted to solve their problems or are just too stupid and lazy. . . at least that’s what you’ve heard.

The thing is, you love the human crap. You want to binge TV and argue movie fandom, you love fast-food and all that junk, and most days you just want to smoke weed and sleep till noon. Save the World? That’s not your job, man.

This sounds like a riot! You can grab a copy of Teenage Mutant Dirtbags from DriveThru RPG (affiliate link) for $6.95.