DEADPOOL 3 Writer Thinks The New Wolverine Should Be Played By an “Undiscovered Person”

Marvel fans are really hoping to see Hugh Jackman reprise his role as Wolverine in Deadpool 3. It’s going to be a long shot, but as I’ve said before, if anyone can make that happen it’s Ryan Reynolds, director Shawn Levy, and Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige.

Deadpool 3 screenwriter Rhett Reese was recently asked about the possibility of Jackman’s return on an interview with the Post-Credit Podcast. He said: “I don’t know. Look, we don’t have any inside information on that. Even if we did, we couldn’t share it but we don’t.”

Of course, he has information on that! He’s writing the freakin’ script for the film! He knows if Wolverine is in that script or not. Regardless of that, Reese did offer a suggestion on the kind of actor that should be hired to replace Jackman saying:

“Suggestions… It’s gotta be someone shorter this time… So maybe a Zack Galifianakis or Patton Oswalt, someone like that… I would honestly go more… an undiscovered person, because Hugh Jackman was reasonably undiscovered the first time and I think there was initial bucking [of], ‘Oh, he’s too tall,’ or, ‘He doesn’t look right,’ or, ‘What is this Australian thing?’ I think that if they’re playing their cards right, they probably should make it someone we’ve never seen.”

I completely agree with him on casting a short unknown actor to take on the role of Wolverine. That is the way to go! I’m a pretty short guy and I’ve always loved Wolverine because of that. He was a badass and savage short guy! Deliver that version of Wolverine next!

What are your thoughts on the kind of actor that should be cast to replace Jackman in the role of Wolverine,