Houston, We Have A Problem In New STARFINDER DRIFT CRISIS Rulebook

The tabletop roleplaying game Starfinder is kicking off a year long meta event with their newest rulebook, Starfinder Drift Crisis. The new book and it’s accompanying Starfinder Flip-Mat: Drift Crisis, are both on sale now in game and book stores as well as at paizo.com. This year long event  will run through Spring 2023 and will forever change the setting for Starfinder. 

Hyperspace is broken! In a catastrophic instant, commonplace faster-than-light travel, made possible by the Drift, fails. Travelers vanish midflight, communications scramble, and the Drift’s progenitor god Triune falls mysteriously silent. In the aftermath, empires cling to far-flung holdings, opportunists exploit the chaos, and everyone demands to know what triggered this crisis—and how it can be solved.

The new rulebook will feature:

  • More than 100 new player options, from class options and themes to equipment, feats, and spells!

  • Twenty detailed adventure seeds that provide a framework for playing through dozens of Drift Crisis stories, whether in encounters, adventures, or entire campaigns.

  • Deep dives on the myriad effects of the Drift Crisis on factions, worlds, systems, and the galaxy at large.

  • A toolbox with a vast store of information for running adventures in the Drift Crisis, from dozens of unique treasures and 20 new creatures to rich nonplayer character profiles and information on adapting Adventure Paths.

I’ve never gotten into Starfinder, but this event scenario sounds really cool. The book has an MSRP of $44.99 for a hard copy or as a PDF for $9.99. Roll20 will also be providing it virtually on July 21, 2022 and is up for preorder now. The flip mat has an MSRP of $22.99 for the hard copy or as digital for $15.99. You can learn more about the year long meta event here.