Original SPIDER-MAN Trilogy and MOON NIGHT Producer Would Love to See Sam Raimi Continue His Spider-Man Stories

Thanks to Spider-Man: No Way Home, there’s been a resurgence of love for Sam Raimi’s original Spider-Man trilogy. Spider-Man 2 is still my all-time Spider-Man film! Raimi had big plans for the future of the franchise after he made Spider-Man 3, but Sony Pictures shut it down and everyone was left to move on.

Now No Way Home is a massive success and Sam Raimi was brought in to direct Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. It was a ton of fun to see Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield back as Spider-Man and the fans would love to see the adventures of those characters continue. Do you know who else would like to see that? Moon Knight producer Grant Curtis, who also worked on the first Spider-Man trilogy.

In a recent interview with Gizmodo, Curtis said that he’d love to see Raimi get to continue his Spider-Man stories:

“The Spider-Man movies we made were an incredible opportunity career-wise. As a fan, I love the narratives that were generated from those three movies. There were other stories within those movies that did not get told. I hope someday, as any Spider-Man fan would tell you, that all those stories come out and that narrative continues.”

I have no idea if that will ever happen, but I sure hope it does! When previously talking about why Raimi jumped at the opportunity to make the Spider-Man movies during a Reddit AMA, he said:

“I directed the first Spider-Man film because I was such a huge fan of Stan Lee’s brilliant character. Peter Parker and Spider-Man were an important part of my teenage years. I thought it was very moving how much he sacrificed for others. How hard he worked to protect innocent people. And all the while had to take care of his Aunt May and do his homework to boot. His self sacrifice resonated with me. He was truly a good person. We can identify with Characters in a comprehensible story. Stories of heroes, like Peter Parker, remind us of what we are capable of. Maybe you’re one of those people that like to be reminded of the good you are capable of. Now get out there and do something about it.”

With the Doctor Strange sequel coming out, when that’s an epic success It’ll be interesting to see what Sam Raimi chooses to do next. Maybe he will be asked to come back for more Spider-Man!