Sideshow Unveils Ridiculously Cool Darth Vader Mythos Statue

Darth Vader is one of the most iconic villains of all time, and for good reason. From his unique helmet, to billowing black cape and red lightsaber, Darth Vader is one menacing figure. Now Sideshow has released their Darth Vader Mythos statue and it is amazing.

Vader stands atop the flaming wreckage of an X-Wing, saber drawn and ready to cut down anyone who stands in his way. His battle tattered uniform reveals burns and mechanical limbs showing off the amalgamation of man and machine.

You can even remove his helmet to reveal the scarred face of Anakin, disfigured by the dark side of the force. If you get the exclusive statue, there is a battle damaged helmet that will reveal parts of the face. The exclusive option also comes with an additional lightsaber with flames, in case Vader didn’t look scary enough to you.

The whole statue is really incredible which is reflected in the price of $630 for the collector edition and $650 for the Exclusive. You can pre order yours now through Sideshow now.

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