Trailer For a Robin Hood-Themed Bank Heist Thriller NO LOSS // NO GAIN


Gravitas Ventures has released a trailer for a mysterious Robin Hood-themed heist thriller titled No Loss // No Gain. The story centers on a vigilante who gives the victims of a bank robbery a million-dollar opportunity.

In the film, “An unnamed vigilante seizes a small suburban bank. He claims to be seeking justice for a massive banking scandal, but his tactics and motives are veiled by complexity. Caught in his web are ordinary people: the struggling single-mother bank teller, the college student with impending pressure of student loans, the ousted career bank manager, the hard-working restaurateur and his pregnant wife. Taken on a journey into the heart of the largest bank on the planet fraught with scandal and fraud, these everyday victims are faced with the extraordinary opportunity to change their lives forever. All they have to do? Agree to go along with a mysterious ‘Robin Hood’ plan and they walk away with millions.”

This looks like a solid movie that tells an interesting story and I’m curious to watch it and see what happens. The film comes from Christian Rousseau, who is making his directorial debut and it stars John Valley, Amanda Joy Erickson, Kevin McCarthy, Nathan Ehrmann, Destiny Soria, Ru Benjamin Revolver, and Alexandria Payne.

No Loss // No Gain will get a direct-to-VOD release on July 6th.