First Impressions: DEATH’S DOOR Preview Build is Already Perfection


Death’s Door is an upcoming game from developer Acid Nerve and publisher Devolver Digital. It’s an action adventure title where you play a young crow whose job it is to reap souls. You go around with a cool little sword and have fun little adventures. Once I saw the initial trailer, I knew I had to play this game. Devolver Digital has been kind enough to allow me to play an early build of the game on Steam and I love it. The game is set to release on PC and Xbox consoles on July 20 for $19.99 and if you pre-order it, you can save 15%.

In Death’s Door, you’ll team up with a soul-reaping Crow to track down the bird’s stolen target. The thief you’re pursuing has slipped into a realm untouched by death, brimming with gigantic creatures which have grown far past their normal lifespans. Ready your sword and bow (along with your sense of adventure) as you set out to explore a gorgeous, bleak world uplifted in part through dark comedy.

I love this game. It is so fun to play and everything is so well done. The artwork is gorgeous. The soundtrack is perfection. The gameplay feels tight. Plus, you get to be an adorable little crow. This game is absolutely incredible. The only thing that I struggled to grasp was that whenever you swing your weapon you take a step forward. This sometimes made it feel like I was sliding towards my enemies and got annoying during boss fights, but once you get the hang of it, it’s not a big deal at all. I don’t want to spoil the story, but I will say that I’ve greatly enjoyed it.

I want to touch on the artwork again for a moment. I love the contrast that we see between your workplace and the worlds that you have to go to. The office is monochromatic with no color, but it still looks amazing. Then, you leave the office and you enter a vibrant world with plenty of color and fantastic bosses and creatures to face.

Death’s Door is my most anticipated game of the month. I cannot wait to play the full release build after it launches. It already feels so polished and loved.