Konami Announces Two New YU-GI-OH! TCG Products


Konami has announced two new products for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG, and one of them is going to go like nuts. The first item, launching on October 1, is Battles of Legend 2021 and is an all-foil booster set with each pack having five cards and costing $3.99. The set features just shy of 60 new cards and 30+ reprints. The new cards will come from the first six Yu-Gi-Oh! anime series including the Kuriboh Brothers that fans recently learned about for the OCG. That’s right, Kuribabylon, Five Star Twilight, Kuribah, Kuribee, Kuriboo, and Kuribeh are all coming to the TCG this October. Will they be amazing? Probably not. Will everyone make a Kuriboh deck with them? Probably. This means that we’re probably getting all of the cards from the OCG’s Animation Chronicle 2021 set. We know for a fact that there will be a new Utopia Ray and the OCG set has Leo Utopia Ray, so that’s probably a match. There are also more cards from Sherry LeBlanc in 5D’s and new @Ignister cards will be included. While all of this is great, there is one card that will have fans buying Battles of Legend 2021 out: Forbidden Droplet. At the time I’m writing this, Forbidden Droplet costs $96.69 on TCG Player. It’s a highly sought after card and this is a fantastic reprint.

The other set that Konami has announced is Hidden Arsenal: Chapter 1 which will launch on November 19. This looks like it will be like the recent Legendary Duelist collection sets we’ve been getting. You’ll buy a box for about $14.99 and it will have one Secret Rare, two standard Ultra Rares, four colorful Ultra Rares, and 30 commons. You’ll also get a collectible die and a storyline insert with a game mat that will let fans learn the story of the Hidden Arsenal. Personally, I love the fact that we’ll be getting more details about the story. The list of cards will come from the first 4 Hidden Arsenal sets which gives fans cards for Ice Barrier, Fabled, Woms, Jurrac, Naturia, Allies of Justice, Dragunity, and more strategies.