A New TIMESPLITTERS Game is in the Works at the Newly Revived Free Radical Design


Many gamers have fond memories of the TimeSplitters games, especially TimeSplitters 2. It appears that it was only time until the series revived as Deep Silver has announced they are reviving Free Radical Design with key original members including founders Steve Ellis and David Doak. The first item on FRD’s agenda? Bring fans a brand new TimeSplitters game. Development on the game will start in the coming months after the studio has been built up a bit with personnel. I know there are fans losing their minds with this announcement and Ellis shared his excitement as well:

To finally be able to confirm that the studio has been formed and that we have a plan for the next TimeSplitters game is incredible. While we cannot tell you anything more at the moment, we look forward to sharing information in the future.

Paul Nicholls of Deep Silver said:

It’s this unique style that earned the TimeSplitters series a large and passionate following who will, without doubt, be excited by the formation of Deep Silver’s latest studio and will look forward to learning more as the franchise moves forward.

Are you excited for a new TimeSplitters game? What’s your favorite memory from the franchise?