Chris Hemsworth Attempts and Fails To Show You How To Meditate in These Funny Videos

I’ve got a few amusing videos here shared by Chris Hemsworth that feature the actor attempting to show us different ways on how to meditate. Unfortunately, he’s not very good at it as there are things around him that make it impossible, so he just ends up giving up.

The title of the web series is Affirmations that positively, absolutely, probably, (Most Likely), won’t make your 2020 worse. By Chris Hemsworth. You can enjoy the videos that have been released below:

When chaos just won’t leave you alone, the only real solution is to offer it a snack. At least according to Chris Hemsworth.

When the distractions just won’t stop coming no matter where you go, tell them to shove off. Gently, of course. They have feelings, too.

Find a nice quiet place to sit, preferably not next to murder hornets, and let Chris Hemsworth help you find clarity. Or something.