Miguel Zavala Offers Around 2,000 D&D Models to 3D Print for Free

When we no longer have to social distance, many Dungeons & Dragons players will be looking to get together and continue adventures, especially if they didn’t play virtually. To help with the in-person games, players and DMs may want some miniatures to provide a visual. Well, if you have a 3D printer, Miguel Zavala has your back. Zavala has created around 2,000 models for D&D, covering all the creatures from D&D content through Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes. What’s even better is that he’s put his designs on the internet for free.

You can find Zavala’s work over on his Shapeways. He also has a store where you can purchase some of these minis pre-printed or even pre-painted, and he has a Patreon where you can support his work.

According to Polygon, Wizards of the Coast is fine with Zavala’s work as long as he stays within the OGL and Fan policies. Zavala told Polygon about his interaction with Wizards and it’s great:

I reached out to them and very honestly, it was just like, ‘Hey, I’m not trying to compete with you guys. I’m not trying to do anything like that. It’s just some people don’t have access to game stores, and some folks like to have a little extra creative balance in their games, and I make these things available for free.’ […] Once they understood that I wasn’t trying to make an easy buck off of this, they immediately opened up.

Right now is the perfect time to print and paint any minis you think you may need to pull out in some of your sessions.