Let’s Talk About ONCE & FUTURE #6

Holy crap! Did you guys read Once & Future #6 yet? It is freaking nuts. I want to talk about it, but first, be warned that spoilers abound ahead, and you should only continue after reading the latest issue.

Duncan is carrying Bridgette to Bath with the plan of getting Excalibur’s sheath to heal her. Rose hands a paper to some security guards, but I’m not really sure what it is, but it gets the guards to leave them alone. They then open a portal with Rose on candle duty, and Duncan just heads right in.

Duncan walks into a room where Arthur is talking with Duncan’s mother and half-brother Galahad. The crazy thing is that his mother doesn’t seem to remember Duncan. That, or there’s something else I’m missing. Duncan then has to fight a bunch of undead knights and is able to take them all down. He and Bridgette then explain how Arthur can obtain Excalibur in exchange for the scabbard that heals Bridgette.

Bridgette then makes Arthur mad by explaining that Galahad is the son of Lancelot, who sleeps with Arthur’s wife. This makes him very mad as you might expect, and he attacks Mary (Duncan’s mother). Duncan saves her, but then the world starts collapsing around them. They run and Bridgette tries saving Mary, but she doesn’t accept the help. Duncan then returns Excalibur, and he’s pretty shaken up. He decides to carry on his grandmother’s work, but she shouldn’t be a part of it. He then slays a giant snake (a basilisk maybe?).

I hope you kept reading though, because we got an epilogue where Merlin seems to appear and confront Mary, saying he needs a Nimue. I do not know who Nimue is, but I’m worried that Merlin has a bloody scythe at his side. The artwork here is absolutely incredible though, and I’m pumped to see what happens next. Do you think there will be a time jump?