Mark Hamill Actually Played a Second Character in STAR WARS: THE RISE OF SKYWALKER

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This may not come as a surprise to the fans of Mark Hamill who are familiar with his repertoire, especially seeing as how Hamill played the side character Dobbu Scay in The Last Jedi, but it turns out that Hamill played a second character in The Rise of Skywalker as well. Besides the famed character Luke Skywalker, Hamill also voiced the character of Boolio in the film.

But before we get into the character description, just know it gets a little spoilery, so-


Boolio was the character who gives Finn and R2 the datafile from the traitor in the First Order. When Finn asks how they can thank Boolio, he says, “Win the war.” Unfortunately, Boolio doesn’t make it out alive, and we later see Kylo Ren present his head to the Supreme Council, revealing they have a spy in their ranks.

Here’s the tweet from Star Wars Holocron that revealed the news, and gave us a picture to remind us of the character:

I didn’t recognize him on the first time around, but I will definitely be excited to see the film again and listen to Boolio’s voice. Did you hear Hamill’s voice when you watched the film?