Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #46 is out now and I swear, with every issue, I think things are just switching gears to be surprised by the next issue. This was another incredible issue in the “Necessary Evil” story and I recommend you read it to yourself. If you haven’t read the comic yet, you can purchase it from your favorite comic book store locally or online including comiXology.

This issue after the preview starts with Xi learning that the Blue Emissary is dead. He tries to signal Jason, Trini, and Zack, but they’re working on rebuilding things and the signal isn’t solid. Well, they eventually make their way back and find Garrison Vox crushing Xi’s head. The three Rangers start getting ready to fight Vox when Kiya shows up and takes Jason down before he knows what’s up. This immediately triggers Trini and Zack who start fighting the newly evil Kiya and Vox. Things aren’t going well for them though, especially when Cavotus hits them. Xi is able to teleport the three humans away though with his hand running things. Phew, that was a close one. Things are looking pretty dire.

Meanwhile, on Earth, the Rangers are having to face the potential of no longer being Rangers. Kim doesn’t want to think about it, Billy is open to not being a Ranger so he can go to college, and Tommy seems to feel more and more like a burden. I feel like Tommy keeps having survivor’s guilt for some reason. It’s also interesting to hear Billy talk about not being a Ranger after several issues ago when he was talking about how he couldn’t imagine not being a Ranger.

Of course, the big thing happens at the very end. At the very end, Trini and Zack are dragging Jason into the command center. He’s definitely seen better days and they’re getting urgent. I’m sure this is going to lead to a lot of yelling and hurt feelings as they discuss things. I’m mostly intrigued to see what the fallout from all this will be. Will this lead into the introduction of Katherine somehow? Maybe this will bring in the Alien Rangers.