Mark Hamill Wants People to Enjoy THE RISE OF SKYWALKER, But If They Don’t, He Wants Them to Keep It to Themselves


The ninth film in the Skywalker saga has opened to the press, critics, cast and crew, and the first reactions have hit the internet. We are hearing a mix of responses, and Mark Hamill has made a statement to those who have seen the film and who will be seeing the film in the coming days. Hamill was stopped on the red carpet, and this is what he had to say:

“I hope they enjoy it, and if they don’t, just keep it to yourself.” I mean, that’s not going to happen. But there isn’t anything that anyone can do at this point. The film is over, the masses will see it in the next few days, and the book is closed. So I can see how Hamill is wanting to just move on and not wallow in people’s opinions. But it does make me wonder if he is expecting fans to not be very happy with the final film. I sure hope it turns out to be a good movie. But I know who I won’t be complaining to if it’s not.