Bill Hader Gets a Face to Match His Voice While Doing His Best Al Pacino and Arnold Schwarzenegger Impressions


Here’s a new twist on two fun old videos of Bill Hader being interviewed by Conan O’Brien. The first took place in 2005, just after Hader started on SNL where he did his signature impression of Al Pacino. He also does a bit of an impression of Arnold Schwarzenegger, but notes he isn’t very good at it. The second video takes place just last year in 2018, where Hader is back with Conan, but this time his Schwarzenegger impression has gotten a whole lot better!

The strange part about these videos is that Slovakian video editor Ctrl Shift Face got ahold of them and has done a Deepfake edit on them to morph Hader’s face into the people he is impersonating. It’s well done, and really creepy and weird. Check them out below, and enjoy!

via: laughingsquid