ROGUE ONE Director Gareth Edwards is Directing a New Sci-Fi Movie

The director of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Gareth Edwards, is set to write and direct a new sci-fi film for New Regency. The film doesn’t have a title and we don’t have any plot details. What we do know is that it’s based on an original idea that Edwards came up with, and the story is set in the near future.

Edwards launched his career with a great indie film called Monsters, and from there he made Godzilla. This next film will only be his fourth feature film project and I’m curious to see what he’s got planned for this next film.

I wish I had more details to share with you, but when new information does become available, I’ll give you an update. In the meantime, do you like the films that Edwards has made? I’m just happy to see he was able to push an original project through in Hollywood.

Source: Deadline